Feature State
Check the current state of Accentos features here.
Checkmarks imply that the feature is already available in the full version of the software.
Partly symbolizes that the feature is partly available, but some details may not yet be accessible.
Testing shows that the feature is in its last development stage and released shortly.
In progress means that we are currently working on this feature.
Planned indicates that we will implement this feature in the near future.
If the feature in question is marked with Future version, then it is planned for version 2 of Accento.
Pitch | Rhythm | Vibrato (velocity, timbre, breadth) | Microtonal Cent feedback |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Player Level | Metronome tempo changes | Practise a selection |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | 🟩 testing |
Repetitions | Transpositions | Scales |
🟩 testing | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Continuous (default) | Step-by-step | Left hand only | Right hand only |
✅ completed | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Guitar class | Piano class | Violin class |
🟩testing ⬜in progress | ⬜in progress | 🟩testing ⬜in progress |
Clarinet class | Saxophone class | Flute class | Other classes |
🟥 planned | ❔Future version | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Metronome | Tuner | Finger charts | Statistics |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Pitch | Rhythm |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Vibrato (velocity, timbre, breadth) | Microtonal Cent feedback |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Player Level | Metronome tempo changes | Practise a selection |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | 🟩 testing |
Repetitions | Transpositions | Scales |
🟩 testing | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Continuous (default) | Step-by-step |
✅ completed | 🟨 in progress |
Left hand only | Right hand only |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Guitar class | Piano class |
🟩 testing 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Violin class | Clarinet class |
🟩 testing 🟨 in progress | 🟥 planned |
Saxophone class | Flute class | Other classes |
❔Future version | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Metronome | Tuner |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Finger charts | Statistics |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Musical symbols
G Clef | Octave clef | F Clef |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
C Clef | Percussion Clef | Tablature |
✅ completed | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Octuple Whole Note | Double Whole Note | Quadruple Whole Note |
❔Future version | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Whole Note | Half Note | Quarter Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Eighth Note | Sixteenth Note | Thirty-second Note | Sixty-fourth Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Hundred twenty-eighth Note | Two hundred fifty-sixth Note |
❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Dotted Note | Beamed Note | Ghost Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ❔Future version |
Multi measure Rest | Octuple Whole Rest | Quadruple Whole Rest | Double Whole Rest |
🟨 in progress | ❔Future version | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Whole Rest | Half Rest | Quarter Rest | Eighth Rest | Sixteenth Rest |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Thirty-second Rest | Sixty-fourth Rest | Hundred twenty-eighth Rest | Two hundred fifty-sixth Rest |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Sharp Note | Flat Note | Doublesharp Note | Doubleflat Note | Natural Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Sharp Key Signature | Flat Key Signatures |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Demisharp Note | Sesquisharp Note | Demiflat Note | Sesquiflat-Note |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Chord | Chord with arpeggio | Glissando | Slur |
✅ completed | 🟥 planned | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Legato | Tied Notes | Tuplets |
✅ completed | 🟩 testing | 🟩 testing |
Common Time | Alla Breve | Simple Time Signatures |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Metronome mark | Compound Time Signatures | Additive Time Signatures |
🟥 planned | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Pianississimo | Pianissimo | Piano | Mezzo piano |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Mezzo forte | Forte | Fortissimo | Fortississimo |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Crescendo | Diminuendo | Fortepiano | Sforzando |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Staccato | Staccatissimo | Accent |
✅ completed | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Marcato | Tenuto | Fermata |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟥 planned |
Turn | Trill | Upper Mordent |
🟩 testing | 🟩 testing | 🟨 in progress |
Lower Mordent | Appoggiatura | Acciaccatura |
🟨 in progress | 🟩 testing | 🟩 testing |
Tremolo | Simile | Repetition | Volta |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned | 🟨 in progress | 🟥 planned |
Da Capo | Dal Segno | Segno | Coda |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Musical symbols
G Clef | Octave clef | F Clef |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
C Clef | Percussion Clef | Tablature |
✅ completed | ❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Octuple Whole Note | Double Whole Note |
❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Quadruple Whole Note | Whole Note |
❔Future version | ✅ completed |
Half Note | Quarter Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Eighth Note | Sixteenth Note | Thirty-second Note | Sixty-fourth Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Hundred twenty-eighth Note | Two hundred fifty-sixth Note |
❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Dotted Note | Beamed Note | Ghost Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ❔Future version |
Quadruple Whole Rest | Double Whole Rest |
❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Whole Rest | Half Rest |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Quarter Rest | Eighth Rest | Sixteenth Rest |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Thirty-second Rest | Sixty-fourth Rest |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Hundred twenty-eighth Rest | Two hundred fifty-sixth Rest |
❔Future version | ❔Future version |
Sharp Note | Flat Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Doublesharp Note | Doubleflat Note | Natural Note |
✅ completed | ✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Sharp Key Signature | Flat Key Signatures |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Demisharp Note | Sesquisharp Note |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Demiflat Note | Sesquiflat-Note |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Chord | Chord with arpeggio |
✅ completed | 🟥 planned |
Legato | Tied Notes | Tuplets |
✅ completed | 🟩 testing | 🟩 testing |
Glissando | Slur |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Multi measure Rest | Octuple Whole Rest |
🟨 in progress | ❔Future version |
Common Time | Alla Breve |
✅ completed | ✅ completed |
Simple Time Signatures | Metronome mark |
✅ completed | 🟥 planned |
Compound Time Signatures | Additive Time Signatures |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Pianississimo | Pianissimo |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Piano | Mezzo piano |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Mezzo forte | Forte |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Fortissimo | Fortississimo |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Crescendo | Diminuendo |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Fortepiano | Sforzando |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Staccato | Staccatissimo | Accent |
✅ completed | 🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress |
Marcato | Tenuto | Fermata |
🟨 in progress | 🟨 in progress | 🟥 planned |
Turn | Trill | Upper Mordent |
🟩 testing | 🟩 testing | 🟨 in progress |
Lower Mordent | Appoggiatura | Acciaccatura |
🟨 in progress | 🟩 testing | 🟩 testing |
Tremolo | Simile |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Repetition | Volta |
🟨 in progress | 🟥 planned |
Da Capo | Dal Segno |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
Segno | Coda |
🟥 planned | 🟥 planned |
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